This is easily explained…

The infinite is possible at, as well as in SL. This scene is easy to explain if you know what to look for.

There are eight dogs. One of them is trying to revive Blu, three are watching Ebi closely, as if poised to attack. They don’t know why Blu is on the ground, but they assume Ebi had something to do with it.

The other 4 dogs are staring off in random directions, as if inexplicable noob parts will suddenly pop into existence and need to be greeted. This is a Pavlovian response triggered in part by Ebi’s presence.

Ebi has a left foot that requires a size 94 shoe, and is dressed like a not-quite-hetero Johnny Cash.

Another strange scene

Sandry is watching the whole scene trying to figure out what the hell is going on. The dragon on her shoulder (Miller) is visibly shaking his head and thinking, “again?”

Got it?

Picture taken 9.12.08

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